Page 144 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 144
IR-8.4 I N O R G A N I C A C I D S A N D D E R I V A T I V E S
Some of the following examples are discussed i n d etail below.
1. H 2 P 2 O 7
dihydrogen(diphosphate), or
dihydrogen[m-oxidobis(trioxidophosphate)](2 )
2. H 2 B 2 (O 2 ) 2 (OH) 4
3. H 2 Mo 6 O 19 ¼ H 2 [Mo 6 O 19 ]
4. H 4 [SiW 12 O 40 ] ¼ H 4 [W 12 O 36 (SiO 4 )]
tetrahydrogen[(tetracontaoxidosilicondodecatungsten)ate], or
tetrahydrogen[hexatriacontaoxido(tetraoxidosilicato)dodecatungstate], or
5. H 4 [PMo 12 O 40 ] ¼ H 4 [Mo 12 O 36 (PO 4 )]
tetrahydrogen[tetracontaoxido(phosphorusdodecamolybdenum)ate], or
tetrahydrogen[hexatriacontaoxido(tetraoxidophosphato)dodecamolybdate], or
6. H 6 [P 2 W 18 O 62 ] ¼ H 6 [W 18 O 54 (PO 4 ) 2 ]
hexahydrogen[dohexacontaoxido(diphosphorusoctadecatungsten)ate], or
or hexahydrogen(diphosphooctadecatungstate)
7. H 4 [Fe(CN) 6 ]
8. H 2 [PtCl 6 ] 2H 2 O
dihydrogen(hexachloridoplatinate)— w ater (1/2)
9. HCN
In Example 1, the two hydrons could be located either on two oxygen atoms on the same
phosphorus atom or one on each of the phosphorus atoms. Thus, as already indicated,
hydrogen names do not necessarily fully specify the structure.
In the same way, the hydrogen name in Example 9 c overs, in principle, two tautomers.
This also a pplies to the common compositional name ‘ hydrogen cyanide’. T he names
‘hydridonitridocarbon’ (additive nomenclature), ‘methylidyneazane’ ( substitutive nomen-
clature) and ‘formonitrile’ (functional organic nomenclature) all specify the tautomer HCN.
Hydrogen names may also be used for molecular compounds and ions with no
tautomerism problems i f o ne wishes to emphasize the conception of the structure as hydrons
attached to the anion i n q uestion:
10. H MnO 4 hydrogen(tetraoxidomanganate)
11. H 2 MnO 4 dihydrogen(tetraoxidomanganate)