Page 141 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 141

I N O R G A N I C  A C I D S  A  N D  D E R I V A T I V E S         IR-8.2

                        and  telluric  an  column  P-61.9  etc.  name  the  two  into  m;  names  etc.  of  with
                        acid   not  is   languages.  the  of  use  these  footnote  acid,  construction  use  the  accord
                        silicic  the  are  which  hand  Section  trithionous,  certain  with  for  to  for  substitution  see  etc.  these  with  in

                        acid,  compounds  HCNO,  right  the  (See  into  arent  adhered  names  using  ),  .  .  S(O) ,  indeed  disulfanedisulfonic  ‘diacid’  problem  is  shown
                        boric  is  in  HONC.  dithionous,  p  a  of  H  and  acid.  the

                        of     acid  names  for  etc.;  translate  as  otherwise  choice  prescribes  trisulfanediyl.  HS(O) 5,  HSOH,  with  the  structures
                        cases  different  to  regarded  present  1.  not  dithionous  acid,  but

                        the  two  fulminic  additive  acid,  difficult  Ref.  (not  etc.,  for  associated  two
                        in       The          is  systematics  The  of  nomenclature  acid  acid  for  sulfanedisulfonic  be  confusion,  the  for
                        removed  between  named  HONC. l 2 -methylidenehydroxylamine  tetrathionic  are  and  itself  the  [PHO(OH) 2 ].  P-42.4  sulfenic  acid  otherwise  potential  names

                        been   originally  acid,  NH 2 OH    Section  Substitutive  trisulfanedisulfonic   S(O) 2  , S(O) ,  and  as  of

                        has  distinguishes  oxoacid  trithionic  nomenclatures  acceptable;  nd  S(OH) 2  hypodisulfurous  would  this  choice
                        it                    derivatives,  a  in   re       nomenclature
                        Here,  ‘ortho’  compound  the  to  and  acid,  not  [P(OH) 3 ]  names  compounds.  e.g.  a  etc.,  for  and  which  eliminates  present
                        2).        HCNO  several  are      HPO 2 .  parent  acid  acid  The
                        Ref.  where  The  corresponding  for  dithionic  of  organic  hyponitrite  both  of  these  derivatives,  ‘sulfinyl’,  substitutive  structure  name  acid.
                        of     past.     ybrid         for  1.  as  for  sulfoxylic  dithionic  the
                        I-9  cases  the  oxide  etc.;  h  a  certain  and  Ref.  isomers  used  etc.  by  not  additive  selenous
                        Chapter  only  The  in  RONC,  formonitrile  acid,  represent  for  acid  literature  of  two  are  they  acid,  functional  ‘sulfonyl’,  names  for  acid  named  is  an  and

                        in     inconsistently  are  triphosphoric  acids  names  the  in  P-42.4  and  the  for  selenonic  groups  traditional  structure  of  use  derivatives.  acid
                        (including  ‘ortho’.  chemistry  are  preferred  hyponitrous  used  P-42.3  used  because  corresponding  hypodisulfuric  alternatively  The  organic  selenonic  1.

                        past  without  used  been  organic  names  CNO).  acid,  hydronated  for  names  hypodinitrite.  been  have  commonly  included  acid,  substituent  the  on  be  ay  unsymmetrical  of  both  Ref.
                        the  names  organic  the    and  Sections  are  sulfinic  naming  the  based  names  m  [HO(O)SOS(O)OH]).  for  of
                        in  the  have  in  and  diphosphoric  for  However,  traditional  H 3 PO 3  in  are  acid,  that  the  etc.,  acid,  the  naming  P-42.4
                        consistently  in  anions).  acid  fulminates  preferred  The  CHNO  e.g.  etc. acidium,  azanol.  P-68.3.  The  hypodinitrous  formula  given  names  stiborous  and  sulfonic  when  acids  Note  etc.  Names  give  would  because  be  the  in  literature  the  and

                        used  ambiguity  isofulminic  called  entries  continued,  be  names.  the  names  ‘acid’  No  stiboric  names  the  );  .  .  names.  ‘hypo’  tetrathionic  roblem  persists  in  used  P-42.1
                        been  no  is  corresponding  and  usually  unambiguously.  under  be  sulfuric  would  Section  substitutive  prescribed  and  parent  the  into  methyl.  substitutive  acceptable.  acid,  p  a  systematically  name  been  Sections

                        not  there  acid  IX  can  acceptable.  1,  acid  the  names.  arsorous,  using  than  (not  prefix  trithionic  presents  arent  has  in
                        has  where  (and  esters  Table  series  acidium,  name  Ref.  have  with  if  rather  acid  longer  the  name  would  p  a  given
                        ‘ortho’  acid  acids  fulminic  the  structures  also  nitric  longer  See  systematic  would  phosphorous  accord  substitutive  arsoric,  needed  systematic  no  are  of  use  acid  as  acid  H 2 SeO 3  names

                        prefix  periodic  names  while  the  See  1.  oligomeric  names  no  are  substitutive  hydroxylamine.  are  ‘hypo’  name  in  is  are  names  is  hydrides  methaneseleninic  are  Systematic  homologues  common  formula  parent

                        The  phosphoric  The  oxoacid,  specify  Ref.  The  The  They  The  These  prefix  The  species  These  The  Caution  parent  These  themselves,  The  This  (disulfurous  disulfurous  The
                       a    and  b   of  c  d  e  f   g   h  i  j    k    l  m  n    o  the

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