Page 136 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 136
IR-8.2 I N O R G A N I C A C I D S A N D D E R I V A T I V E S
of followed such gives in
examples compounds Table discussion (continued)
and first, listed the the
isomers; hydrogens chain for (e.g. IR-7 (See included.
certain except Chapter derivatives. explicitly
group; (oxygen-bound) H 2 P 2 H 2 O 5 ), of rganic not (hydridonitrato)oxidocarbon
OH principles o f o are
one ‘acid’ HBH 2 O, acids
least the naming polynuclear name(s)
at the with (e.g. to the in catena-poly[hydroxidoboron-m-oxido] catena-poly[(oxidoborate-m-oxido)(1 )] catena-poly[dihydroxidosilicon-m-oxido]
structures with and format atoms according IX. structures and additive dihydroxidooxidoborate(1 ) hydroxidodioxidoborate(2 ) hydridodihydroxidoboron dihydridohydroxidoboron dihydroxidooxidocarbon hydroxidodioxidocarbonate(1 ) hydroxidonitridocarbon azanediidooxidocarbon, nitridooxidocarbonate(1 ) carbidohydroxidonitrogen (hydridocarbonato)oxidonitrogen carbidooxidonitrate(1 )
related element oxoacid oxygen assembled Table parent dinuclear Systematic trihydroxidoboron trioxidoborate(3 ) trioxidocarbonate(2 ) tetrahydroxidosilicon tetraoxidosilicate(4 )
and other the then in given as several
oxoacid one classical and entities, are use for
for least the in atom, oxoanions species particular, name
names at and given central coordination of In here. stated)
(additive) hydrogen are Formulae the to directly for as names oxoacid included common otherwise acid a dihydrogenborate hydrogenborate acid acid acid acid hydrogencarbonate acid acid acid a acid
systematic and species. bound written More inorganic many are all, Acceptable (unless oric borate metaboric metaborate oronic borinic arbonic carbonate cyanic isocyanic cyanate b b b ilicic silicate metasilicic
and oxygen atoms also are reat not but
names containing dehydronated hydrogen formulae ‘H 2 SO 4 ¼ [SO 2 (OH) 2 ]’). g ists a species, b b c s
common compounds fully and the cases and l Ref. 1 those
Acceptable includes partially then atom(s), most In of P-42 of Most ¼ [BO(OH) 2 ] ¼ [BO 2 (OH)] 2 – (B(OH)O– n ) n ) ¼ [CO 2 (OH)] )
IR-8.1 Table corresponding central OCN. H ‘HBH 2 O ¼ [BH 2 (OH)]’ Section that IR-8.1.) (BO 2 ) n ¼ – (OBO– n HBH 2 O ¼ [BH 2 (OH)] HOCN ¼ [C(N)OH] HNCO ¼ [C(NH)O] ¼ [C(N)O] HONC ¼ [N(C)OH] HCNO ¼ [N(CH)O] ¼ [N(C)O] (H 2 SiO 3 ) n ¼ – (Si(OH) 2 O– n
Table This the by e.g. as Note Section Formula H 2 BO 3 HBO 3 2 [BO 3 ] 3 (HBO 2 ) n ¼ HCO 3 [CO 3 ] 2 OCN ONC [SiO 4 ] 4
H 2 BHO 2 ¼ [BH(OH) 2 ]
H 2 CO 3 ¼ [CO(OH) 2 ]
H 4 SiO 4 ¼ [Si(OH) 4 ]
H 3 BO 3 ¼ [B(OH) 3 ]