Page 148 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 148
IR-8.6 I N O R G A N I C A C I D S A N D D E R I V A T I V E S
in groups, cases
oxoacids oxoacids most (continued)
of to group/OH In
derivatives related OH an of H 2 S 2 O 3 ). (e.g.
replacement compounds for or atoms, first listed H 2 S 2 O 3 ¼ [SO(OH) 2 S]’). name or dihydrido-1k 2 H-dioxido-2k 2 O-dinitrogen(N—N) (dioxidanido)dihydroxidooxidophosphorus m-peroxido-1kO,2kO 0 -bis(dihydroxidooxidophosphorus) m-peroxido-1kO,2kO 0 -bis(trioxidophosphate)(4 ) (dioxidanido)hydroxidodioxidosulfur m-peroxido-1kO,2kO 0 -bis(hydroxidodioxidosulfur) m-peroxido-1kO,2kO 0 -bi
functional names tom/O a O atoms ‘ (additive) (dioxidanido)dioxidonitrogen dioxidoperoxidonitrate(1 ) (dioxidanido)oxidonitrogen oxidoperoxidonitrate(1 ) amidodioxidonitrogen, trioxidoperoxidophosphate(3 ) trichloridooxidophosphorus trioxidoperoxidosulfate(2 ) dihydroxidooxidosulfidosulfur hydroxidodioxidosulfanidosulfur trioxidosulfidosulfate(2 ) dihydroxidosulfidosulfur hydroxidooxi
some (additive) an of hydrogen (e.g. IR-7 Systematic
for systematic replacement
names and chalcogen-bound) Chapter of name acid
(additive) IR-8.6) formal by principles replacement acid a acid a acid trichloride acid acid O-acid S-acid O-acid S-acid
systematic Section derived are or (oxygen- the to Functional peroxynitric peroxynitrate a peroxynitrous peroxynitrite a amide phosphoroperoxoic phosphoroperoxoate phosphoryl 2-peroxydiphosphoric 2-peroxydiphosphate sulfuroperoxoic sulfuroperoxoate 2-peroxydisulfuric 2-peroxydisulfate sulfurothioic sulfurothioic sulfurothioate sulfurothious sulfurothious
and (see given ‘acid’ according nitric
names, names examples the assembled name or oxide acid a
replacement replacement The anions. with format entities, common acid a acid a acid a trichloride, trichloride acid a acid a acid acid acid acid
functional functional corresponding classical coordination Acceptable peroxynitric peroxynitrate a peroxynitrous peroxynitrite a nitramide peroxyphosphoric peroxyphosphate a phosphoryl phosphorus eroxydiphosphoric peroxydiphosphate a peroxysulfuric peroxysulfate a peroxydisulfuric peroxydisulfate a thiosulfuric thiosulfuric thiosulfate thiosulfurous thiosulfurous
names, names, and the in given as p
common common isomers group(s). cases written
Acceptable acceptable certain and or atom(s) some in only) (or also ¼ [PO 3 (OO)] 3 H 4 P 2 O 8 ¼ [(HO) 2 P(O)OOP(O)(OH) 2 ] ¼ [O 3 POOPO 3 ] 4 ¼ [SO 3 (OO)] 2 H 2 S 2 O 8 ¼ [(HO)S(O) 2 OOS(O) 2 (OH)] [O 3 SOOSO 3 ] 2
IR-8.2 gives Table IR-8.1 (an)other are Formulae are HNO 4 ¼ [NO 2 (OOH)] ¼ [NO 2 (OO)] NO 2 NH 2 ¼ N(NH 2 )O 2 H 3 PO 5 ¼ [PO(OH) 2 (OOH)] H 2 SO 5 ¼ [SO 2 (OH)(OOH)] ¼ H 2 S 2 O 3 ¼ [SO(OH) 2 S] H 2 S 2 O 3 ¼ [SO 2 (OH)(SH)] ¼ [SO 3 S] 2 H 2 S 2 O 2 ¼ [S(OH) 2 S] H 2 S 2 O 2 ¼ [SO(OH)(SH)]
Table This Table by formulae Formula NO 4 [NO(OOH)] [NO(OO)] [PO 5 ] 3 [PCl 3 O] [P 2 O 8 ] 4 [SO 5 ] 2 [S 2 O 8 ] 2 S 2 O 3 2