Page 122 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 122
IR-7.2 A D D I T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E
IR-7.2 M O N O N U C L E A R E N T I T I E S
Names of mononuclear compounds and ions, i.e. of species with a s ingle central atom, are
formed by citing the appropriate prefixes for the ligands alphabetically before t he name
of the central atom. Ligands occurring more than once are collected in the name b y m eans
of multiplicative prefixes (Table IV), i.e. ‘di’, ‘tri’, ‘tetra’, etc., for simple l igands such as
chlorido, benzyl, aqua, ammine and hydroxido, and ‘bis’, ‘tris’, ‘tetrakis’, etc., f or more
complex l igands, e.g. 2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobenzyl and triphenylphosphane. The latter
prefixes a re also used to avoid any ambiguity which might attend the use of ‘di’, ‘tri’, etc.
Multiplicative prefixes w hich are not inherent parts of the ligand name do not affect
the alphabetical ordering.
Prefixes r epresenting ligands can be separated using enclosing marks (see also Section
IR-, and this should b e d one for all but the simplest ligands, i ncluding organic
ligands. I n s ome cases the use of enclosing marks is essential in order to avoid a mbiguity,
as in Examples 10 and 11 below.
In several of the examples below, substitutive names (see Chapter I R-6) are also
given. In some c ases, however, there i s n o p arent hydride available for the construction
of a s ubstitutive name (see Examples 9 and 11). Note also t hat the formulae given below
in square b rackets are coordination compound-type formulae with the central atom
listed first.
tetrahydroxidosilicon (additive),
1. Si(OH) 4
or silanetetrol (substitutive)
trimethoxidoboron o r
2. B(OMe) 3
tris(methanolato)boron (both a dditive),
or trimethoxyborane (substitutive)
3. FClO or [ClFO] fluoridooxidochlorine ( additive),
or fluoro-l -chloranone (substitutive)
4. ClOCl or [OCl 2 ] d ichloridooxygen (additive),
or dichlorooxidane (substitutive)
5. [Ga{OS(O)Me} 3 ] t ris(methanesulfinato)gallium (additive),
or tris(methanesulfinyloxy)gallane (substitutive)
6. MeP(H)SiH 3 or trihydrido(methylphosphanido)silicon (additive),
[SiH 3 {P(H)Me}] or methyl(silyl)phosphane (substitutive)
7. NH 2 * hydridonitrogen(2 * ) ( additive),
or azanylidene (substitutive)
8. HOC(O) * hydroxidooxidocarbon( * ) ( additive),
or hydroxyoxomethyl (substitutive)
9. FArH or [ArFH] fluoridohydridoargon
10. [HgMePh] m ethyl(phenyl)mercury (additive)
11. [Hg(CHCl 2 )Ph] (dichloromethyl)(phenyl)mercury