Page 118 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 118

IR-6.4                               S U B S T I T U T I V E  N O M  E N C L A T U R E

                       In a  n  umber of cases, the established name of a  s ubstituent  g  roup or radical is non-
                       systematic or is a  s horter version obtained by replacing the ending  ‘ ane’ o f t he parent name
                       by the suffix ‘yl’ or the suffix ‘ylidene’:

                          10. OH *                   hydroxyl (for oxidanyl)
                          11. OH                     hydroxy  ( for oxidanyl)
                          12. NH 2                   aminyl (for azanyl)
                          13. NH 2                   amino (for azanyl)
                                 2 *
                          14. CH 2                   methylidene (for methanylidene),
                                                     or l -methane, or carbene
                          15. SiH 3 and SiH 3        silyl (for silanyl)
                          16. GeH 3 and GeH 3        germyl (for germanyl)
                          17. SnH 3 and SnH 3        stannyl (for stannanyl)
                          18. PbH 3 and PbH 3        plumbyl (for plumbanyl)
                                 2 *
                          19. SiH 2                  silylidene

                       This list is exhaustive as far as non-carbon parent hydrides are concerned. A  n umber of
                       established shortened  o  r  e ntirely non-systematic names are also used for carbon-based
                       hydrides: m  ethyl, e thyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, hexyl, c yclohexyl, phenyl, naphthyl, etc.

           IR-6.4.8    Substituted radicals or substituent groups
                       Radicals or substituent groups formally derived by removing one or more hydrogen atoms
                       and introducing substituents in parent hydrides are named using  p refixes f or the substituents
                       as explained in Section IR-6.3.1. The positions from which the hydrogen atoms were r emoved
                       take priority over the positions with substituents. Several simple s uch radicals a nd substituent
                       groups are named in Table IX. In a  f ew cases the name  o f a  r adical and the corresponding
                       substituent g roup as used in organic nomenclature may differ (see Example 2  b elow).

                           1. NH 2 O and NH 2 O               aminooxidanyl
                           2. HONH  *                         hydroxyazanyl
                              HONH                            hydroxyamino
                           3. Me 3 PbPbMe 2 and Me 3 PbPbMe 2    1,1,2,2,2-pentamethyldiplumban-1-yl
                                                              (not 1,1,1,2,2-pentamethyldiplumban-2-yl)

           IR-6.4.9    Anionic and  c ationic centres and  r adicals in a  s ingle molecule or ion

                       If several of the above features [cationic moiety, anionic moiety, radical formed by removal
                       of hydrogen atom(s)] are present in a  m  olecule or ion, a  r ule  i s  n eeded  t o  d ecide in which
                       order to cite the various modifications of the parent hydride name.

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