Page 115 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 115
S U B S T I T U T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E IR-6.4
this way, t he suffixes ‘diylium’, ‘triylium’, etc., a re used without elision of any final ‘e’ on
the parent hydride name. Any necessary locants are placed immediately preceding the suffix.
Locants f or removed hydride i ons take precedence o ver locants for unsaturation, as in
Example 5 b elow.
For the names silane, g ermane, s tannane and plumbane, as well as a n umber
of hydrocarbon names, ‘ylium’ replaces the ending ‘ane’ of the parent hydride (cf. S ection
P-73.2 of Ref. 1).
1. PH 2 phosphanylium
þ disilanylium
2. Si 2 H 5
3. SiH 3 silylium
4. BH 2 boranylium
5. þ HNN¼NH triaz-2-en-1-ylium
IR-6.4.3 Substituted cations
Names of substituted derivatives of cations are formed from the modified parent hydride
names (as described in IR-6.4.1 and IR-6.4.2) by adding appropriate substituent prefixes.
When numbering derivatives of polynuclear parents, t he locants for added hydrons or
removed hydride ions take precedence o ver locants for substituents, as in Example 6 b elow.
1. [NF 4 ] þ tetrafluoroazanium, or tetrafluoroammonium
2. [PCl 4 ] þ tetrachlorophosphanium
3. [NMe 4 ] þ tetramethylazanium, or tetramethylammonium
4. [SEtMePh] þ ethyl(methyl)phenylsulfanium
5. [MeOH 2 ] þ methyloxidanium, or methyloxonium
6. [ClPHPH 3 ] þ 2-chlorodiphosphan-1-ium
IR-6.4.4 Anions derived from parent hydrides by loss of one or more hydrons
An anion f ormally o btained by removal of one or more hydrons from a p arent hydride is
named by adding ‘ide’, ‘diide’, etc., t o t he parent name, with elision o f a t erminal ‘e’ before
‘ide’ but not in any other c ases. Any necessary l ocants are placed immediately preceding the
suffix. Locants f or removed hydrons take precedence o ver locants for unsaturation, as in
Example 10 below.
1. NH 2 azanide, or amide
2. NH 2 azanediide, or imide
3. H 2 NNH diazanide, or hydrazinide