Page 111 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 111
S U B S T I T U T I V E N O M E N C L A T U R E IR-6.3
The following names exemplify t he above principles. In some cases, additive names are
given for comparison.
1. SiH 3 OH silanol
2. Si(OH) 4 silanetetrol ( substitutive),
or tetrahydroxidosilicon (additive)
3. SF 6 hexafluoro-l -sulfane (substitutive),
or hexafluoridosulfur (additive)
4. TlH 2 CN thallanecarbonitrile (substitutive),
or cyanidodihydridothallium (additive)
5. SiH 3 NH 2 silanamine (substitutive),
or amidotrihydridosilicon (additive)
6. PH 2 Cl chlorophosphane
7. PH 2 Et ethylphosphane
8. TlH 2 OOOTlH 2 trioxidanediylbis(thallane)
9. PbEt 4 tetraethylplumbane (substitutive),
or tetraethyllead (additive)
10. GeH(SMe) 3 tris(methylsulfanyl)germane
11. PhGeCl 2 SiCl 3
not dichloro(phenyl)(trichlorosilyl)germane
12. MePHSiH 3 methyl(silyl)phosphane,
not (methylphosphanyl)silane or
For polynuclear parent hydrides, n umerical locants are often needed t o s pecify the positions
of substituent g roups. I f t here are several equivalent numberings o f t he parent hydride
skeletal atoms relative to the substituents after relevant r ules from Section IR-6.2 have been
applied, t he numbering is chosen which leads to the lowest set of locants for the compound
as a w hole. If there is still a c hoice, lowest locants are assigned to the substituent cited first
in the name. If all substitutable hydrogen atoms are replaced b y t he same substituent, the
locants can be omitted, as in Example 20 below.
4,4,4-tribromo-2l -tetragermane
13. H 3 GeGeGeH 2 GeBr 3
(numbering of parent fixed by l designator)
1 2 3
HOOCSiH 2 SiH 2 SiH 3 trisilane-1-carboxylic acid
1 2 3 3-methyltriaz-1-ene (not 1-methyltriaz-3-ene)
(numbering of skeletal atoms fixed by position of