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with those by whom we might profit. Desiring more to converse with those that might better
us by their talents than with such as might edify us by their graces. Not studying
opportunities of doing good to others. Shifting of prayer and other duties, when called
thereto—choosing rather to omit the same than that we should be put to them ourselves.
Abusing of time in frequent recreation and pastimes and
loving our pleasures more than God. Taking little or no time to Christian discourse with
young men trained up for the ministry. Common and ordinary discourse on the Lord's
Day. Slighting Christian admonition from any of our flocks or others, as being below us;
and ashamed to take light and warning from private Christians. Dislike of, or bitterness
against, such as deal freely with us by admonition or reproof, and not dealing faithfully
with others who would welcome it off our hands. Not making conscience to take pains on the
ignorant and profane, for their good. Our not mourning for the ignorance, unbelief and
miscarriages of the flocks committed unto us. Impatient bearing of the infirmities of
others; rashly breaking out against their persons, more than studying to gain them from their
sins. Not using freedom with those of our charge; and for most part spending our time with
them in common discourses, not tending to edification. Neglecting admonition to friends and
others in an evil course. Not praying for men of a contrary judgment, but using
reservedness and distance from them; being more ready to speak of them than to them or to
God for them. Not weighed with the failings and miscarriages of others, but rather taking
advantage thereof for justifying ourselves. Talking of and sporting at the faults of others,
rather than compassionating of them. No due painstaking in religious ordering of our
families, nor studying to be patterns to other families in the government of ours. Hasty anger
and passion in our families and conversation with others. Covetousness, worldly-
mindedness, and an inordinate desire after the things of this life, upon which followeth a
neglect of the duties of our calling, and our being taken up for the most part with the things of
the world. Want of hospitality and charity to the members of Christ. Not cherishing godliness
in the people; and some being afraid of it and hating the people of God for piety, and
studying to bear down and quench the work of the Spirit amongst them (2 Corinthians 1:6-12,
14, 24)."
It next takes up ministerial duties more especially, and then solemnly proceeds:—"Not
entertaining that edge of spirit in ministerial duties which we found at the first entry to
the ministry. Great neglect of reading, and other preparation; or preparation merely literal and
bookish, making an idol of a book, which hindereth communion with God; or presuming on
bygone assistance, and praying little. Trusting to gifts, talents, and pains taken for
preparation, whereby God is provoked to blast good
matter, well ordered and worded. Careless in employing Christ, and drawing virtue out
of Him, for enabling us to preach in the Spirit and in power. In praying for assistance we pray
more for assistance to the messenger than to the message which we carry; not caring what
becomes of the Word, if we be with some measure of assistance carried on in the duty. The
matter we bring forth is not seriously recommended to God by prayer, to be quickened to His
people. Neglect of prayer after the Word is preached, that it may receive the first and latter
rain; and that the Lord would put in the hearts of his people what we speak to them in his
name. Neglect to warn, in preaching, of snares and sins in public affairs by some; and