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being rather content, if not rejoicing, at their faults. Least delight in those things wherein lieth
our nearest communion with God; great inconstancy in our walk with God, and neglect of
acknowledging Him in all our ways. In going about duties, least careful of those things which
are most remote from the eyes of men. Seldom in secret prayer with God, except to fit for
public performance; and even that much neglected, or gone about very superficially. Glad to
find excuses for the neglect of duties. Neglecting the reading of Scriptures in secret, for
edifying ourselves as Christians; only reading them in so far as may fit us for our duty as
ministers, and oft- times neglecting that. Not given to reflect upon our own ways, nor
allowing conviction to have a thorough work upon us; deceiving ourselves by resting upon
absence from and abhorrence of evils from the light of a natural conscience, and looking
upon the same as an evidence of a real change of state and nature. Evil guarding of and
watching over the heart, and carelessness in self-searching; which makes much
unacquaintedness with ourselves and estrangedness from God. Not guarding nor wrestling
against seen and known evils, especially our predominants. A facility to be drawn away with
the temptations of the time, and other particular temptations, according to our inclinations
and fellowship. Instability and wavering in the ways of God, through the fears of
persecutions, hazard, or loss of esteem; and declining duties because of the fear of jealousies
and reproaches. Not esteeming the cross of Christ, and sufferings for His name, honorable,
but rather shifting sufferings, from self-love. Deadness of spirit, after all the sore strokes of
God upon the land. Little conscience
made of secret humiliation and fasting, by ourselves apart and in our families, that we
might mourn for our own and the land's guiltiness and great backslidings; and little applying
of public humiliation to our own hearts. Finding of our own pleasure, when the Lord
calls for our humiliation. Not laying to heart the sad and heavy sufferings of the
people of God abroad, and the not-thriving of the kingdom of Jesus Christ and the
power of godliness among them. Refined hypocrisy; desiring to appear what, indeed, we
are not. Studying more to learn the language of God's people than their exercise. Artificial
confessing of sin, without repentance; professing to declare iniquity, and not resolving to
be sorry for sin. Confession in secret much slighted, even of those things whereof we are
convicted. No reformation, after solemn acknowledgments and private vows; thinking
ourselves exonerated after confession. Readier to search out and censure faults in others than
to see or deal with them in ourselves. Accounting of our estate and way according to
the estimation that others have of us. Estimation of men, as they agree with or disagree from
us. Not fearing to meet with trials, but presuming, in our own strength, to go through
them unshaken. Not learning to fear, by the falls of gracious men; nor mourning and praying
for them. Not observing particular deliverances and rods; not improving of them, for the
honor of God, and the edification of ourselves and others. Little or no mourning for the
corruption of our nature, and less groaning under, and longing to be delivered from, that
body of death, the bitter root of all our other evils."
"Fruitless conversing ordinarily with others, for the worse rather than for the better. Foolish
jesting away of time with impertinent and useless discourse, very unbecoming the
ministers of the gospel. Spiritual purposes often dying in our hands when they are begun
by others. Carnal familiarity with natural, wicked and malignant men, whereby they are
hardened, the people of God stumbled, and we ourselves blunted. Slighting of fellowship