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self- denying love with which, as shepherds,  we ought to have watched over the  flocks
               committed  to our  care.  We  have  fed  ourselves,  and  not  the flock.

               5. We have been cold. Even when diligent, how little warmth and glow! The whole soul is
               not poured into the duty, and hence it wears too often the repulsive air of routine and form.
               We do not speak and act like men in earnest. Our words are feeble, even when sound and
               true; our looks are careless, even when our words are weighty; and our tones betray the
               apathy which both words and looks disguise. Love is wanting, deep love, love strong as
               death, love such as made Jeremiah weep in secret places for the pride of Israel , and Paul
               speak "even weeping" of the enemies of

               the   cross   of   Christ.   In   preaching   and   visiting,   in   counseling   and reproving, what
               formality, what coldness, how little tenderness and affection!  "Oh that I was all heart,"  said
               Rowland  Hill, "and  soul, and spirit, to tell the glorious gospel of Christ to perishing

               6.  We  have  been  timid.  Fear  has  often  led  us  to  smooth  down  or generalize truths
               which if broadly stated must have brought hatred and reproach upon us. We have thus often
               failed to declare to our people the whole  counsel  of God.  We  have  shrunk  from
               reproving,  rebuking  and exhorting with all long-suffering and doctrine. We have feared to
               alienate friends, or to awaken the wrath of enemies. Hence our preaching of the law has been
               feeble and straitened;  and hence  our preaching  of a free gospel has been yet more vague,
               uncertain and timorous. We are greatly deficient in that majestic boldness and nobility of
               spirit which peculiarly marked Luther, Calvin, Knox, and the mighty men of the
               Reformation. Of Luther it was said, "every word was a thunderbolt."

               7. We have been wanting in solemnity. In reading the lives of Howe or Baxter,  of Brainerd
               or Edwards,  we are  in company  with  men  who  in solemnity  of  deportment  and  gravity
               of  demeanor  were  truly  of  the apostolic school. We feel that these men must have carried
               weight with them, both in their words and lives. We see also the contrast  between ourselves
               and  them  in  respect  of  that  deep  solemnity  of  air  and  tone which made men feel that
               they walked with God. How deeply ought we to be abased at our levity, frivolity, flippancy,
               vain mirth, foolish talking and jesting, by which grievous injury has been done to souls, the
               progress of the saints retarded, and the world countenanced in its wretched vanities.

               8. We have preached ourselves, not Christ. We have sought applause, courted honor, been
               avaricious of fame and jealous of our reputation. We have preached too often so as to exalt
               ourselves instead of magnifying Christ, so as to draw men's eyes to ourselves instead of
               fixing them on Him and His cross. Nay, and have we not often preached Christ for the very
               purpose of getting honor to ourselves? Christ, in the sufferings of His first coming and the
               glory of His second, has not been the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, of all our
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