Page 60 - Drug Class Review
P. 60
Final Report Update 1 Drug Effectiveness Review Project
ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases 10 revision
IDDD Interview for Deterioration in Daily Living Activities in Dementia
IQCODE Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
ITT intention-to-treat
LFT Liver Function Test
LMT Logical Memory Test
MCID Minimal clinically important difference
MEM memantine
MENFIS Mental Function Impairment Scale
MHIS Modified Hachinski Ischemic Score
MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination
3MS Modified MMSE
MSQ Mental Status Questionnaire
N/A not applicable
NINCDS/ADRDA National Institute of Neurological & Communicative Disorders and Stroke and Alzheimer’s
Disease and Related Disorders Association
NINDS-AIREN National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the Association Internationale
pour la Recherche l’Enseignement en Neurosciences
NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate
NOSIE Nurse Observation Scale for Inpatient Evaluation
NOSGER Nurse Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients (also abbreviated as NOSGP)
NPI Neuropsychiatric Inventory
NPI-NH NPI-Nursing Home version
NR not reported
OR odds ratio
PDS Progressive Deterioration Scale
PSMS Physical Self-Maintenance Scale
PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
PWT Paired Words Test
QALY Quality-adjusted-life-year
QOL quality of life
RDRS-II Rapid Disability Rating Scale II
RGRS Relatives Global Rating Scale
RIV rivastigmine
RR relative risk
SCAG Sandoz Clinical Assessment Geriatric Scale
SGRS Stockton Geriatric Rating Scale
SIB Severe Impairment Battery
sMMSE Screening standardized MMSE
TAC tacrine
UTI urinary tract infection
VaD Vascular dementia
VAS Visual Analogue Scales
VRF vascular risk factors
WFT Word Fluency Test
WMD weighted mean difference
Alzheimer's Drugs Page 60 of 205