Page 225 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 225

11.2. GENERAL MODEL AND NON-DIMENSIONED                             187

         and utilizing the definition of characteristic time, equation (11.5), and substituting
         into equation (11.8) yields



                Note that equation (11.9) can be modified by introducing additional param-
                                               > >


                                                . For cases, where the process time
         is important parameter equation (11.9) transformed to
         eter which referred to as external time,*

         when    and         * * *     N > >  >                       .


                It is more convenient to deal with the stagnation pressure then the actual
                                     > *


         pressure at the entrance to the tube. Utilizing the equations developed in Chapter
         4 between the stagnation condition, denoted without subscript, and condition in a
               > > >

                             are all are function of* in this case. And where* * *
         tube denoted with subscript 1. The ratio of  is substituted by


         It is convenient to denote  >



         Note that   is a function of the time. Utilizing the definitions (11.11) and sub-


         stituting equation (11.12) into equation (11.9) to be transformed into


                                              > >*

         Equation (11.13) is a first order nonlinear differential equation that can be solved


         for different initial conditions. At this stage, the author isn’t aware that is a general
                                            >   %

         solution for this equation . Nevertheless, many numerical methods are available to
         solve this equation.
         11.2.1   Isentropic process
         The relationship between the pressure and the temperature in the chamber can be
         approximated as isotropic and therefore

                                  *    *

           3 This notation is used in many industrial processes where time of process referred to sometime as

         the maximum time.                             >
           4 To those mathematically included, find the general solution for this equation.
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