Page 229 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 229

11.4. RAPID EVACUATING OF A RIGID TANK                              191
         11.3.2   Isothermal Nozzle Attached

         In this case the process in nozzle is assumed to isothermal but the process in the
         chamber is isentropic. The temperature in the nozzle is changing because the
         temperature in the chamber is changing. Yet, the differential temperature change
         in the chamber is slower than the temperature change in nozzle. For rigid volume,
              and for isothermal nozzle      Thus, equation (11.13) is reduced into


         Separating the variables and rearranging equation (11.30) converted into




          Here,   is expressed by equation (11.22). After the integration, equation

         (11.30) transformed into   >





                                     > %


         11.4    Rapid evacuating of a rigid tank
                                      > (
         11.4.1   With Fanno Flow

                                    , is constant and equal one for a completely rigid
         tank. In such case, the general equation (11.17) “shrinks” and doesn’t contain the

         relative volume term.  >
         The relative Volume, *
                A reasonable model for the tank is isentropic (can be replaced polytropic
         relationship) and Fanno flow are assumed for the flow in the tube. Thus, the specific
         governing equation is
         For a choked flow the entrance Mach number to the tube is at its maximum,

         and therefore     . The solution of equation (11.37) is obtained by noticing that
           is not a function of time and by variables separation results in  N








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