Page 221 - 48Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Mechanics
P. 221
In some ways the next two Chapters !"$#
contain materials that is new to the tra- fanno model
for relativly short tube
ditional compressible flow text books .
It was the undersigned experience, that %'&)(+* ,.-
in traditional classes for with compress- Isothermal model
for relativly long tube
ible flow (sometimes referred to as gas
Volume forced models
dynamics) don’t provide a demonstra-
External forces that control the tank volume
tion to applicability of the class mate-
fanno model
rial aside to aeronautical spectrum even for relativly short tube
such as turbomachinery. In this Chap-
ter a discussion on application of com- /'0)132 46587:98;=<
Isothermal model
pressible flow to other fields like manu- for relativly long tube
facturing is presented . Volume is a function of pressrue or rigit
There is a significant impor- (the volume can be also a function of inertia and etc)
Semi rigit tank
tance to the “pure” models such Isother-
mal flow and Fanno flow which have im- Fig. 11.1: The two different classifications of
mediate applicability. However, in many models that explain the filling or
instances, the situations in life are far evacuating of a single chamber
1 After completion of these Chapters, the undersigned discover two text books which to include some
material related to this topic. These books are Owczarek, J. A., Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics,
International Textbook Co., Scranton, Pennsylvania, 1964. and “Compressible Fluid Flow,” 2nd Edition,
by M. A. Saad, Prentice Hall, 1985. However, these books contained only limit discussions on the
evacuation of chamber with attached nozzle.
2 Even if the instructor feels that their students are convinced about the importance of the compress-
ible, this example can further strength and enhance this conviction.