Page 385 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 385

G.6 Matrices                                                                                  385

                   G.6      Matrices

                   Adjacency Matrix Example
                   Lets think about a graph as a mini-facebook. In this tiny facebook there are
                   only four people, Alice, Bob, Carl, and David.
                      Suppose we have the following relationships

                      • Alice and Bob are friends.
                      • Alice and Carl are friends.
                      • Carl and Bob are friends.
                      • David and Bob are friends.

                      Now draw a picture where each person is a dot, and then draw a line between
                   the dots of people who are friends. This is an example of a graph if you think
                   of the people as nodes, and the friendships as edges.
                      Now lets make a 4 × 4 matrix, which is an adjacency matrix for the graph.
                   Make a column and a row for each of the four people. It will look a lot like a
                   table. When two people are friends put a 1 the the row of one and the column
                   of the other. For example Alice and Carl are friends so we can label the table
                                                      A  B   C  D
                                                  A          1
                                                  C   1

                      We can continue to label the entries for each friendship. Here lets assume
                   that people are friends with themselves, so the diagonal will be all ones.

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