Page 383 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 383

G.5 Linear Transformations                                                                    383

                   You can also model the new vector 2J obtained by scalar multiplication by
                   2 by thinking about Jenny hitting the puck twice (or a world with two Jenny
                   Potters....).   Now ask yourself questions like whether the multiplicative
                   distributive law
                                                2J + 2N = 2(J + N)

                   make sense in this context.

                   Hint for Review Question 5

                   Lets worry about the last part of the problem.     The problem can be solved
                   by considering a non-zero simple polynomial, such as a degree 0 polynomial,
                   and multiplying by i ∈ C. That is to say we take a vector p ∈ P    R  and then
                   considering i·p. This will violate one of the vector space rules about scalars,
                   and you should take from this that the scalar field matters.
                      As a second hint, consider Q (the field of rational numbers). This is not
                                               √       √
                   a vector space over R since   2 · 1 =  2 /∈ Q, so it is not closed under scalar
                   multiplication, but it is clearly a vector space over Q.

                   G.5      Linear Transformations

                   Hint for Review Question 5

                   The first thing we see in the problem is a definition of this new space P n .
                   Elements of P n are polynomials that look like

                                              a 0 + a 1 t + a 2 t + . . . + a n t n
                   where the a i ’s are constants. So this means if L is a linear transformation
                   from P 2 → P 3 that the inputs of L are degree two polynomials which look like
                                                   a 0 + a 1 t + a 2 t 2

                   and the output will have degree three and look like

                                                 b 0 + b 1 t + b 2 t + b 3 t 3
                      We also know that L is a linear transformation, so what does that mean in
                   this case? Well, by linearity we know that we can separate out the sum, and
                   pull out the constants so we get
                                     L(a 0 + a 1 t + a 2 t ) = a 0 L(1) + a 1 L(t) + a 2 L(t )
                   Just this should be really helpful for the first two parts of the problem. The
                   third part of the problem is asking us to think about this as a linear algebra
                   problem, so lets think about how we could write this in the vector notation we
                   use in the class. We could write

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