Page 197 - 35Linear Algebra
P. 197

9.2 Building Subspaces                                                                        197

                   Note that the requirements of the subspace theorem are often referred to as
                      We can use this theorem to check if a set is a vector space. That is, if we
                   have some set U of vectors that come from some bigger vector space V , to
                   check if U itself forms a smaller vector space we need check only two things:

                      1. If we add any two vectors in U, do we end up with a vector in U?

                      2. If we multiply any vector in U by any constant, do we end up with a
                         vector in U?

                   If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then U is a vector space. If
                   not, U is not a vector space.

                                               Reading homework: problem 1

                   9.2     Building Subspaces

                   Consider the set
                                                    
                                                  1        0 
                                            U =               ⊂ R .
                                                     0      0
                                                              
                   Because U consists of only two vectors, it clear that U is not a vector space,
                   since any constant multiple of these vectors should also be in U. For example,
                   the 0-vector is not in U, nor is U closed under vector addition.
                      But we know that any two vectors define a plane:

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