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9.2 Building Subspaces                                                                        201

                   Hence, thanks to the subspace theorem, the set of all vectors in U that are mapped
                   to the zero vector is a subspace of V . It is called the kernel of L:

                                           kerL := {u ∈ U|L(u) = 0} ⊂ U.

                   Note that finding a kernel means finding a solution to a homogeneous linear equation.

                   Example 113 (The image of a linear map).
                   Suppose L : U → V is a linear map between vector spaces. Then if

                                              v = L(u) and v = L(u ) ,
                   linearity tells us that

                                     αv + βv = αL(u) + βL(u ) = L(αu + βu ) .
                   Hence, calling once again on the subspace theorem, the set of all vectors in V that
                   are obtained as outputs of the map L is a subspace. It is called the image of L:

                                            imL := {L(u) | u ∈ U} ⊂ V.

                   Example 114 (An eigenspace of a linear map).

                   Suppose L : V → V is a linear map and V is a vector space. Then if

                                             L(u) = λu and L(v) = λv ,

                   linearity tells us that

                     L(αu + βv) = αL(u) + βL(v) = αL(u) + βL(v) = αλu + βλv = λ(αu + βv) .

                   Hence, again by subspace theorem, the set of all vectors in V that obey the eigenvector
                   equation L(v) = λv is a subspace of V . It is called an eigenspace

                                             V λ := {v ∈ V |L(v) = λv}.

                   For most scalars λ, the only solution to L(v) = λv will be v = 0, which yields the
                   trivial subspace {0}. When there are nontrivial solutions to L(v) = λv, the number λ
                   is called an eigenvalue, and carries essential information about the map L.

                      Kernels, images and eigenspaces are discussed in great depth in chap-
                   ters 16 and 12.

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