P. 116
C. A & B D. None
6. Amastigote stages of cutaneous leshmaniasis are found inside
macrophages only
A. True B. False
7. Finding of characteristics hyphae & spores in KOH preparation is the basis
for the diagnosis of fungal skin infection
A. True B. False
8. To examine skin specimen microscopically, the one which is not important is:
A. Evenly spread of the specimen on slide
B. Air drying
C. Staining the smear with Gram technique
D. None
9. Which one of the following is true about the bacterial gram reaction of skin
A. Gram negative rods that could be P.aeruginosa
B. Gram positive Streptococci that could be S.aureus
C. Gram negative coccobacilli that could be Y.pestis
D. A and C
10. Which culture media are not used for isolating skin disease bacteria?
A. Blood agar B. MacConkey agar
C. Modified tinsdale medium D. Muller Hinton Agar
E. C and D
11. To transport skin specimens to a microbiology laboratory, one of the following is not
A. Slide C. Request E. None
B. Labeling D. Transport medium
12. During Ziehl-Neelsen technique of staining M.laprae, the advantage of heating the
stain is used for ____________________.
A. Lysing the organism C. penetrate the lipid part of the cell wall
B. Facilitating the staining D. B and C