P. 114
B. Nursing intervention to maintain skin integrity or to treat skin impairment:
¾ Encourage cleanliness of the skin regularly
¾ Apply topical ointment when necessary
¾ Provide regular skin bathing
¾ Promote patient ambulation as early as possible if admitted patient
¾ Have a patient change position frequently
¾ Teach people to inspect their skin regularly
¾ Assess the risk factor for skin problems
¾ Maintain hygiene and cleanliness
¾ Prevent mechanical, physical and chemical injury to the skin
¾ Avoid any irritants to the skin
¾ Ensure adequate nutrition and hydration
¾ Educate or teach individuals, family and those who give skin care.
¾ Avoid friction with/on the skin.
¾ Remove the irritant factor.
¾ Re-assure the family and patient.
C. Evaluation: After carrying out nursing activities under intervention, try to re-asses
the condition of skin whether it is improved or not so that you can
redesign your plan of treatment.