P. 112

b) Leshmania brasiliensis

                   c) Leshmania mexicana
                   d)   Leshmania  aethiopica

               But mucocutaneous leishmaniasis is caused by leishmania viannia, agroup of organism

               called leishviabraziliensis found in central & South America.

               a) Reservoir – Animal (rats, wild rodent domestic animals like dog, cat) and infected

               b) Incubation period – from a day to months

               c) Clinical picture

                     The first lesion start with a papule it can grow to nodules or it can be ulcerated and
                   can be covered with crust.

                   Lesions are small papules that develop  in to non-ulcerated dry plaques or large

                   encrusted ulcers with well-demarcated raised and indurate margin.
                       ¾  The lesion may be single, multiple or diffuse may be self limiting or can be

                       ¾  If it is mucocutaneous the lesion appears as single or multiple papules. The

                          lesion first is nodular and then becomes ulcerated and wart like that can be
                          painful. Some times the lesion appears as single nodule but later on can be

                          indurate and involve on nasal mucosa and skin and lead to destructions.

                       ¾  In case of diffuse cutaneous leishmania which is caused by L-Mexican and L.
                          aethiopica, the multiple modules lesion is a non ulcering lesion, and occurs on

                          the entire body
                       ¾  Involvement of lesion in naso -pharyngeal tissue, is severely disfiguring and

                          often fatal
               Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis causes extensive destruction of the soft tissue &

               cartilage of the nose, oral cavity and lip and extends to the larynx & pharynx.

               d) Management and nursing intervention

                       No effective treatment exists but the following can be used

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