P. 121

To dispatch skin specimens to a microbiology laboratory:

                   1.  Collect the specimen using a sterile cotton wool swab. Insert in a contained of

                        Amies transport medium.
                   2.  Make smear of the material on a clean slide & allow to air-dry in a safe place

                   3.  Label the specimens using a lead pencil. Mark the specimen HIGH RISK if from
                        a patient with suspected anthrax or Bubonic plague (Yersina pestis).

                   4.  Send the specimens with a request form to reach the laboratory within about 6


               5.4.2. Gram staining technique

                   - Required reagents;
                          o  Crystal violet stain

                          o Lugol’s iodine

                          o  Acetone – alcohol decolorizer
                          o  Neutral red – 1g/l (0.1% w/v) or safranin


                       1.  Fix the dried smear.

                          Note: when the smear is for the detection of Gonococci or Meningococci, it
                          should be fixed with methanol for 2 minutes (this avoids damaging pus cells)

                       2.  Cover the fixed smear with crystal violet stain for 30-60 seconds
                       3.  Rapidly wash off the stain with clean water

                          Note: - when the tap water is not clean, use filtered water or clean boiled

                       4.  Remove excess water, and cover the smear with Lugol’s iodine for 30-60

                       5.  Wash of the iodine with clean water

                       6.  Decolorize rapidly (few seconds)  with acetone – alcohol  wash immediately
                          with clean water

                          Caution –Acetone alcohols are highly flammable therefore use it well away

                          form an open flame

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