Page 16 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
P. 16
Data Organization and Presentation
To address the guiding questions, we combined our systematic review of abstracts of current
published literature with key informant interviews and a perusal of grey literature. Devices were
classified as those in general clinical use, limited clinical use, or investigational use, based on all
available information; the results are organized to reflect this. For devices in general or limited
clinical use, we have presented information based on available literature on: description of
technique; theoretical advantages and disadvantages; variations of technique; clinical context of
use, FDA status, as well as ethical, privacy, equity, and cost considerations when this
information is available. For investigational devices, given the scarcity of published literature,
we have provided a summary paragraph, including a description of the device and its potential
future applications. For each diagnostic modality, technical descriptions were synthesized using
information extracted from the most recent and most comprehensive narrative review(s)