Page 19 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
P. 19
Table 1. Data availability to address the elements of the guiding questions for the different diagnostic technologies
Modalities in general
clinical use Modalities in limited clinical use Investigational
Photography Dermoscopy Confocal Microscopy Ultrasound/ Laser Doppler PDD Multiphoton Laser Scanning Microscopy Electrical Bio- Impedance OCT Tape Stripping Multispectral imaging Thermography
GQ1: What are the techniques?
a. Type of techniques/modalities
b. Postulated advantages and
c. Potential safety issues and harms? nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
d. FDA status ?
e. Training and certifications? nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
f. Newer techniques in development? nd nd nd nd nd
GQ2: Clinical context: setting, which cancers, which patients?
a. Setting where the
technique/modality was used nd nd nd nd nd
b. Suspect different effectiveness for NA
different cancer types?
c. Suspect different effectiveness for
patients with different histories? nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
d. Suspect different effectiveness for nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
different race/ethnicity?
GQ3: What published and unpublished studies? Synthesis of:
a. Indication/patient inclusion criteria
b. Study design and size nd
c. Role of the test in patient
d. Outcomes assessed
e. Comparators used nd nd nd nd
f. Length of follow-up nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd
1 FDA status is addressed for each diagnostic modality regardless of the presence of clearance status information on the FDA CDRH database.
2 No primary studies on Thermography were identified.