Page 11 - Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques for the Detection of Skin Cancers
P. 11

Guiding Questions

                   Our analysis of the current literature was based on the following guiding questions. These
               guiding questions are partly derived from the hierarchical model of technology assessment first
               proposed by Thornbury and Fryback in 1992.  According to this hierarchical model, there are
               six sequential levels to be considered in the evaluation of a technology assessment. They are:
               (1) technical efficacy, (2) diagnostic accuracy efficacy, (3) diagnostic thinking efficacy,
               (4) therapeutic efficacy, (5) patient outcome efficacy, and (6) societal efficacy. Each level is built
               upon the previous level. The guiding questions posed to the different technologies will be
               addressed to the extent that they have satisfied the sequential levels (e.g., some of the modalities
               have not progressed beyond the first level of technical efficacy stage and therefore it makes little
               sense to assess the second level questions like diagnostic accuracy).

               Guiding Question 1. What are the different noninvasive
               techniques/modalities that have been proposed to be used for the early
               detection of skin cancer?

                  i.   What are the postulated advantages and disadvantages of these noninvasive diagnostic
                       techniques compared with biopsy, among individuals who should be considered for these
                 ii.   What are the potential safety issues and harms associated with the use of noninvasive
                       diagnostic techniques for the evaluation of suspicious skin lesions?
                iii.   What is the current FDA clearance status of these modalities?
                 iv.   What kinds of training and certifications are needed to use these techniques/modalities?
                 v.    What are some of the newer techniques/modalities in development?
               Guiding Question 2. What is the current clinical context in which these new
               noninvasive modalities are used—who uses them, in what setting, for
               which cancers, with which patients?

                  i.   Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the
                       early detection of skin cancers in those patients who had a previous history of skin
                       cancer, previous history of any cancer, or no history of cancer?
                 ii.   Are there reasons to consider that some techniques may be more or less effective for the
                       early detection of skin cancers among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics?
               Guiding Question 3. What published and unpublished studies have
               reported on the use and safety of these noninvasive modalities? Provide a
               synthesis of the following information:

                  i.   Indication/patient inclusion criteria
                 ii.   Study design and size
                iii.   Role of the test in patient management
                 iv.   Outcomes assessed
                 v.    Adverse events, harms, and safety issues reported
                 vi.   Comparators used (applicable only to comparative studies)
                vii.   Length of follow-up (applicable only to longitudinal studies)

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