Page 541 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 541

Appendix Table C4.4. Comparison between watchful waiting and other active treatments

 Author   Study name   Comparison  Outcome   Followup  Sample   Results   Factors included in the model
 Year    /Database      definition/   (yr)   size per
 Pubmed id   measurement   group
 Wong 208    SEER-  Active   Death from   12 yr   Active   HR=0.67 (0.58, 0.77)   PS: age at diagnosis, SEER site,
 2006    Medicare   treatment   prostate   treatment:   year of diagnosis, tumor size, tumor
 17164454   (RP or BT or   cancer based   32,022   grade, marital status, residence in
    RT   on the cause                           an urban setting, race, income,
 Retrospective   considered   of death   Observation:   educational achievement, and 44
 cohort   in   reported in   12,608             categorical variables encoding
 aggregate)   SEER. Data                        comorbidities. The authors reported
 vs.   on cause-                                a statistically significant interaction
 observation   specific                         between tumor size and grade.
 mortality were
 available                                      For the association of treatment
 through the                                    and survival in the entire cohort,
 end of 2000.                                   estimates were adjusted for the PS
                                                and comorbidities, tumor grade,
                                                and tumor size as categorical
 Wong 208    SEER-  Active   Overall   12 yr   Active   HR=0.69 (0.66, 0.72);    PS: age at diagnosis, SEER site,
 2006   Medicare   treatment   survival =   treatment:   stratified by PS quintile,   year of diagnosis, tumor size, tumor
 17164454   (RP or BT or   interval from   32,022   HR 0.67 (0.65-0.70)   grade, marital status, residence in
    RT   the date of                            an urban setting, race, income,
 Retrospective   considered   diagnosis to   Observation:   educational achievement, and 44
 cohort   in   the Medicare   12,608            categorical variables encoding
 aggregate)   dare of death.                    comorbidities. The authors reported
 vs.   Patients were                            a statistically significant interaction
 observation   censored at                      between tumor size and grade.
 Dec. 20, 2002.
                                                For the association of treatment
                                                and survival in the entire cohort,
                                                estimates were adjusted for the PS
                                                and comorbidities, tumor grade,
                                                and tumor size as categorical

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