Page 545 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 545
Appendix Table C4.5: Cost comparisons of watchful waiting with active treatments
Author Design Data Years N Methods Costs WW Notes
year source Population (95% RP RT
UI characteristics CI) (95% CI) (95% CI)
Snyder 159 Retrospective SEER- 2000, WW = 2805 Costs from Incremental RP RT Required
2010 cohort study Medicare followed for RP Medicare costs vs. monotherapy monotherapy patients to
20734396 (also includes 5 yr monotherapy = adjusted for control: have
a comparison 2200 inflation to 2007 survived at
with a non- RT dollars and Yr 1 $ 3936 $ 15,556 least 9 mo
cancer monotherapy = geographic (3078- (14,835- $ 12,319 post
control 2582 region; 4794) 16,277) (11,419- diagnosis;
group) discounted 3% 13,219) total costs
Total N = per yr after 1 Total over 5 yr $ 8535 $ 19,481 were only
13,769 yr; grouping ($ ($ 17,538- $ 16,653 calculated for
(included 3992 based on 6223- $ 21,424) ($ 14,228- years during
patients treatment $ $ 19,078) which the
receiving received 1 9 10,847) patient
hormonal mo; estimates survived.
therapy + RT or were derived
medical pADT) from IPTW
analysis using a
≥65 yr; lived in propensity score
SEER regions, accounting for
clinically age, race,
localized comorbidity,
prostate cancer SEER region,
Control group location,
(n=13,769; socioeconomic
matched for status and
age, sex, race, grade