Page 495 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C4.2. Comparison between watchful waiting and radical prostatectomy (continued)
 Author, Year    Study name   Comparison   Outcome   Followup   Sample size   Results   Factors included in the
 [Pubmed ID]   /Database      definition/   (yr)   per group   model
 Study design   instrument
 Incidence of
 Bill-Axelson 213    SPCG-4    RP vs. WW   Metastatic   12.8 yr   RP: 347   RR=0.59 (0.45, 0.79); P   None (RCT)
 2011   lesions that   WW: 348   <0.001
 21542742   were visible on
    a bone scan or
 RCT   histologically
 confirmed soft-
 outside the
 pelvic area
 Morbidity of
 Johansson 214    Ancillary   RP vs. WW   Physical   Mean   RP: 189 (166   Last 6 mo; 2-3 yr post   NR (RCT)
 2009   investigation   symptoms   followup:   responders)   randomization
 18783877   from SPCG-4   (erectile   4.1 yr   WW: 187   Erectile dysfunction: RR=2.2
    trial   dysfunction,   (range: 1-  (160   (1.5, 3.2)
 RCT   weak urinary   8)   responders)   Weak urinary stream:
 stream, urinary   [some of the   RR=0.6 (0.4, 1.2)
 leakage, fecal   responders   Urinary incontinence:
 leakage)   did not reply   RR=3.7 (1.6, 8.5)
          to all           Fecal leakage: RR=0.3
          questions]       (0.04, 3.2)

                           Last 6 mo; 4-5 yr post
                           Erectile dysfunction: RR=1.8
                           (1.3, 2.6)
                           Weak urinary stream:
                           RR=0.7 (0.4, 1.2)
                           Urinary incontinence:
                           RR=1.7 (1.0, 2.8)

   490   491   492   493   494   495   496   497   498   499   500