Page 472 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C4.1. Descriptive characteristics of the randomized controlled trials and comparative cohort studies considered
                                        relevant to KQ4 (continued)
                                        Author, Year      Study name       Comparison       Study          Sample          Inclusion criteria                  Population description:             Quality
                                        [Pubmed ID]       /Database                         duration       size (total)                                        Age                                 Comments
                                                                                                                                                               PSA (ng/mL)
                                        Study design                                                                                                           Tumor grade
                                        Rice 232          Center for       WW (with or      Median         770             12,081 patient records from the     Mean age at survey: WW              C
                                        2011              Prostate         without          6.4 yr (all                    CPDR databse of men                 without secondary treatment,
                                        21872499          Disease          secondary        groups)                        diagnosed with prostate cancer      75.7 yr; WW with secondary          Significant
                                                          Research         treatment) vs.                                  from 1989 to 2009. Of these         treatment, 74.5 yr; EBRT, 74.1      difference
                                        Retrospective     (CPDR)           EBRT vs. RP      Mean:                          3650 were found to be ≥70           yr; RP, 72.2 yr (P<0.001            in followup
                                        cohort            database                          WW                             years old.                          between groups)                     time
                                                                                            without                        Patient who met the D’Amico                                             between
                                                                                            secondary                      criteri for low-risk disease (stage   PSA (ng/mL): WW without           groups;
                                                                                            treatment,                     T1-2a, Gleason score ≤6, and        secondary treatment, 4.7; WW        self-
                                                                                            5.3 yr;                        PSA <10 ng/ml) and were             with secondary treatment, 5.6;      selection
                                                                                            WW with                        managed with primary RP,            EBRT, 6.0; RP, 5.3 (P<0.001         bias likely;
                                                                                            secondary                      EBRT, or WW were selected for       between groups)                     secondary
                                                                                            treatment,                     analysis.                                                               treatment in
                                                                                            8.4 yr;                        WW was defined as patient who       Gleason score: NR                   WW group
                                                                                            EBRT, 7.0                      declared the intent to pursue                                           not properly
                                                                                            yr; RP. 7.2                    such pathway and not                Stage (P=0.32 between               accounted
                                                                                            yr                             undergone definitive treatment      groups):                            for in
                                                                                            (P<0.0001                      within 9 months of diagnosis;        T1: WW without secondary           analyses.
                                                                                            between                        this group was further stratified   treatment, 66%; WW with
                                                                                            groups)                        into patients who subsequently      secondary treatment, 61%;
                                                                                                                           received or did not receive         EBRT, 60%; RP, 57%
                                                                                                                           secondary treatment.                 T2a: WW without secondary
                                                                                                                           Exclusion: any of the risk          treatment, 34%; WW with
                                                                                                                           stratification criteria were        secondary treatment, 39%;
                                                                                                                           missing or <6 months followup       EBRT, 40%; RP, 43%
                                                                                                                           since primary treatment.

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