Page 467 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C4.1. Descriptive characteristics of the randomized controlled trials and comparative cohort studies considered
 relevant to KQ4 (continued)
 Author, Year    Study name   Comparison   Study   Sample   Inclusion criteria   Population description:   Quality
 [Pubmed ID]   /Database   duration   size (total)   Age                 Comments
                                     PSA (ng/mL)
 Study design                        Tumor grade
 Wong 208    SEER-  Active   1991-1999   44,630   Patients aged 65 to 80 yr, with   Median age: observation, 72.9   B
 2006   Medicare   treatment       incident prostate cancer, stage   yr [IQR=69-77 yr]; active
 17164454   vs.    12 yr   T1/2. Patients were excluded if   treatment, 71.0 yr [IQR=68-74
    observation   followup   diagnosis was made at autopsy   yr]
 Retrospective   (a secondary   or death or if they had Medicare
 cohort   analysis   entitlement based on end-stage   PSA: NR
 comparing   renal disease; were enrolled in a
 radiation Tx   managed care plan from 3 mo   Observation: well-dif., 25.87%;
 and RP,   before diagnosis to 6 mo after   moderately dif., 64.13%. Active
 separately,   diagnosis; those with T3/4   treatment, well-dif., 14.29%;
 with   disease, poorly differentiated or   moderately dif., 85.71%
 observation   anaplastic tumors or metastatic
 was also   disease, unknown tumor size;   Observation: ≤T2a, 55.03%;
 reported)   current reason for Medicare   T2b/c, 44.97%; active
 entitlement listed as disability or   treatment, ≤T2a, 37.92%;
 Medicare status were excluded.      T2b/c, 62.08%
 Patients who received ADT
 alone were excluded.

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