Page 475 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 475

Appendix Table C4.1. Descriptive characteristics of the randomized controlled trials and comparative cohort studies considered
 relevant to KQ4 (continued)
 Author, Year    Study name   Comparison   Study   Sample   Inclusion criteria   Population description:   Quality
 [Pubmed ID]   /Database   duration   size (total)   Age                 Comments
                                     PSA (ng/mL)
 Study design                        Tumor grade
 Thong 224    Eindhoven   “AS”  (long-  Mean 8 yr   142   All eligible patients diagnosed   Mean age at survey: “AS,” 75.8   B
 2009   Cancer   term   with prostate cancer between   yr; RT, 75.9 yr
 19747357   Registry   survivors) vs.   1994 and 1998 from ECR.          Of 128 AS
    (ECR)   EBRT(long-  Excluding persons who had died  PSA: NR          survivors,
 Retrospective   term   before Nov. 1, 2004. For the                     71 returned
 matched   survivors)   purpose of this study, a sample   Grade: “AS,” TNM Grade 1,   survey
 cohort   of patients who would be   80.3%; TNM Grade 2, 19.7%.          (55%)
 suitable for management with        RT, TNM Grade 1, 80.3%; TNM
 AS according to the following       Grade 2, 19.7%.
 criteria were selected: stage ≤2
 and a tumor grade of ≤2 as          Stage: “AS,” stage 1, 67.6%;
 determined with a biopsy at         stage 2, 32.4%. RT, stage 1,
 diagnosis. These patients           69%; stage 2, 31%.
 thereafter received either no
 active treatment or at most, a
 TURP after diagnosis were
 matched with patients who had
 received EBRT as a primary
 treatment at diagnosis on (a)
 cancer stage, (b) tumor grade,
 (c) age at diagnosis (within 2 yr).

 b  Although the authors referred to this group as “active surveillance” the study did not report following a predefined monitoring protocol; furthermore, patients in
 this group “received either no active treatment or at most, a TURP after diagnosis.” For these reasons we did not consider this a comparative study of AS.

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