Page 478 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C4.1. Descriptive characteristics of the randomized controlled trials and comparative cohort studies considered
                                        relevant to KQ4 (continued)
                                        Author, Year      Study name       Comparison       Study          Sample          Inclusion criteria                  Population description:             Quality
                                        [Pubmed ID]       /Database                         duration       size (total)                                        Age                                 Comments
                                                                                                                                                               PSA (ng/mL)
                                        Study design                                                                                                           Tumor grade
                                        Bacon 228         Health           WW vs.           Up to 3        146             The study was based on the          Mean age at post-treatment          C
                                        2001              Professionals    EBRT vs. BT      years          (patients       Health Professionals Followup       survey: WW, 75 yr; RP, 68 yr
                                        11586228          Followup         vs. RP vs.                      with            Study (a cohort study of male                                           Only
                                                          Study            hormonal                        longitudinal    dentists, veterinarians,            PSA: NR                             controlled
                                        Prospective                        therapy vs.                     data            pharmacists, optometrists,                                              for age
                                        cohort                             other                           included in     osteopaths, podiatrists) aged       Grade: WW, GS2-4, 16%; GS5-
                                                                           treatments                      multivariable  40-75 yr. Patients with localized    6, 42%; GS7-10, 19%;
                                                                                                           analyses; of    prostate cancer based on            unknown, 23%. RP, GS2-4,
                                                                                                           these 452       independent review of medical       7%; GS5-6, 57%; GS7-10,
                                                                                                           received RP     records and pathology reports.      29%; unknown, 7%.
                                                                                                           or WW)          Longitudinal comparisons were
                                                                                                                           reported only for the subgroup      Stage: WW, T1, 0; T2, 74%;
                                                                                                                           of patients participating on an     “unspecified,” 6%; unknown,
                                                                                                                           earlier substudy (after 1995)       19%. RP, T1, 0; T2, 95%;
                                                                                                                           who also provided information in    “unspecified,” 0%; unknown,
                                                                                                                           1998.                               5%.

                                                                                                                                                               [Data were extracted for the
                                                                                                                                                               overall study population;
                                                                                                                                                               separate data were not
                                                                                                                                                               reported for the 146 patients
                                                                                                                                                               with available longitudinal data]

                                        d  We only extracted information on the comparison of WW with RP because RP was used as the baseline treatment in multivariable analyses in this study (i.e.
                                        direct comparisons were only possible between RP and other treatments).

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