Page 377 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C2.1. Eligibility criteria, follow-up protocols, triggers for intervention and definition of progression in cohorts of active
 surveillance/ watchful waiting/other observational management strategies (continued)

 Center, Country   Eligibility criteria   Followup or monitoring protocol   Triggers for intervention/   Definition of
 [PMID]                          active therapy                   progression
 Enrollment year
 Royal Marsden   AS: Fitness for   WW: PSA and DRE every 6 mo   WW: Symptomatic prostate   NR
 Hospital, UK 112    RP, T1-2, N0/X,   AS: PSA and DRE every 3-6 mo for 2 yr, then every 6 mo.   cancer progression
 [15839912]   M0/X, PSA≤20   Repeat Bx not routine. Repeat imaging only if clinically   AS: Rate of rise of PSA,
    ng/mL, Gleason   indicated.   according to judgment of
 1993-2002   ≤7. “Favorable      each patient and clinician.
 and according
 to patient
 WW: localized
 prostate cancer
 (any T stage,
 N0/X, M0/X,
 any PSA,
 Gleason score
 ≤7). Unsuitable
 for RP typically
 advanced age
 Royal Mardsen   T1/2a, N0/X,   PSA monthly in yr 1, every 3 mo in yr 2, and every 6 mo   PSA DT<4 yr, histological   Gleason score >7,
 Hospital, UK 124    Mo/X, PSA<15   thereafter.   progression (see Definition   primary Gleason
 [17850368]   ng/mL, Gleason   DRE every 3 mo for 2 yr.   of progression), or patient   ≥4, (initial Gleason
    ≤7 (primary   TRUS-guided octant biopsy at 18-24 mo   preference, or PSA velocity   3+3, upgraded to
 ≥2002   Gleason ≤3),            >1 ng/mL/yr  128                 Gleason ≥3+4)    136
 cancer in                                                        or ≥50% biopsy
 ≤50% of                                                          cores positive.
 biopsy cores.
 (Patients were
 50-80 yr). Fit for
 RP, Elected AS
 for initial
 SPCG-4, Finland,   Patients with   Followup was done every 6 mo in the first 2 yr, then every 1 yr.   Adjuvant local or systemic   Local progression: a
 Sweden, and   newly   Followup included: a clinical examination, measurement of   treatment was not given.   transcapsular tumor
 Iceland 144    diagnosed   hemoglobin, creatinine, PSA, and alkaline phosphatase   TURP was recommended   growth was

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