Page 375 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 375

Appendix Table C2.1. Eligibility criteria, follow-up protocols, triggers for intervention and definition of progression in cohorts of active
 surveillance/ watchful waiting/other observational management strategies (continued)

 Center, Country   Eligibility criteria   Followup or monitoring protocol   Triggers for intervention/   Definition of
 [PMID]                          active therapy                   progression
 Enrollment year
 Princess Margaret   PSA <10 ng/ml,   PSA was measured every 3mo for 2 yr and every 6 mo in stable   NR   Pathologic
 hospital,   clinical stage   patients. DRE was performed every 6 mo. A confirmatory   progression:
 Canada 156    T1c-T2a,   biopsy was typically performed 12 mo after the initial biopsy   increased grade,
 [21211899]   Gleason score   and then every 2–3 yr until the patient reached 80 yr of age or   increased number of
    <6, and ≤3   refused treatment.                               cores to more than 3
 1995-2010   positive biopsy   All biopsies were performed by one of three dedicated   or any core
 cores (<50% of   uroradiologists using a standardized approach that did not   involvement >50%
 a core involved   depend on prostate volume Fist-time biopsies consisted of 6
 at initial   cores before 2001 and 11 cores after 2001. Repeat biopsies
 diagnostic   consisted of 10 cores before 2001 and 15-16 cores after
 biopsy)   2001.
 ProtecT, UK 116    Clinically localized  PSA every 3 mo in yr 1, and every 6 mo thereafter; referred to   The aim of active monitoring   NR
 [19603015]   prostate cancer.   biopsy if a PSA ≥3 ng/mL; rebiopsy was not routine   is “to identify developing
    Patients agreed to           cancers early enough to
 2000-2008   participate in      allow treatment with
 RCT and were                    surgery or radiotherapy” n
 allocated to                    “Test results were reviewed
 active                          annually, and patient and
 monitoring                      clinician decided whether to
 group, or                       continue with monitoring” 152
 refused to be                   (implied using PSA level or
 randomly                        change and/or rebiospy
 allocated to                    results as triggers).
 groups and
 chose to be
 managed by

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