Page 361 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C2.1. Eligibility criteria, follow-up protocols, triggers for intervention and definition of progression in cohorts of active
surveillance/ watchful waiting/other observational management strategies (continued)
Center, Country Eligibility criteria Followup or monitoring protocol Triggers for intervention/ Definition of
[PMID] active therapy progression
Enrollment year
McGill Univ., Patients with PSA and DRE was done every 3-6 mo. TRUS guided biopsy The decision to treat was Progression of T stage
Canada 107 prostate was done annually or when there was a change in DRE or attributed to local to T2b or more,
[18484590] adenocarcinom PSA. pathologic disease progression shown
a with progression and patient in biopsy: 3 positive
1987-2002 “favorable preference. cores or more,
pathologic and The decision to undergo >50% cancer in at
biochemical treatment was based on least 1 core, or
parameters” the suggestion of disease Gleason pattern of 4
(“clinically progression because of a Development of
localized rising PSA level or clinical metastatic
caner” ) or progression on DRE or disease.
patients who repeated sextant biopsy.
treatment. The
reasons for AS
included patient
choice, limited
life expectancy
because of
advanced age
or poor medical
condition, and
prostate cancer.