Page 225 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C1.2. Trends in prostate cancer incidence rates (per 100,000 unless otherwise stated) (continued)
 Author   Database   Groups   1980-84  1985-89   1990-94   1995-99   2000-04   2005-  Statistical   Notes
 Year                                        10        analysis
 Stephenson  1996   SEER-Utah   2-4   32.7   30.9   36.0             P = 0.0105    Additional
 8608513   5-7   30.2   43.9   96.5                    [rank-sum test  information
 8-10   21.4   20.3   30.4                             comparing        is provided
 Rate per 100,000   (1984)   (1989)   (1993)           age-adjusted     in Figure 3
                                                       rates between  of the paper
                                                       1990-94 and      (1984-93)
                                                       1984-89 for
                                                       all 3 groups of

                                                       comparing the
                                                       rate and slope
                                                       of Gleason 5-
                                                       7 tumors vs.
                                                       the other
                                                       groups, i.e. 2-
                                                       4 and 8-10]
 Ordering of the studies follows Appendix Table C1.1.
 ANOVA, analysis of variance; NA = not applicable; NR = not reported; RR = relative rate; PMID = PubMed identification number; SD = standard deviation; yr = years.

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