Page 222 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
P. 222

Appendix Table C1.2. Trends in prostate cancer incidence rates (per 100,000 unless otherwise stated) (continued)
                                        Author                 Database       Groups               1980-84  1985-89         1990-94       1995-99         2000-04       2005-    Statistical       Notes
                                        Year                                                                                                                            10       analysis
                                        Farkas                 SEER           White                                         Peak,                                                NR
                                        1998                                                                                +0.56
                                        9730458                                                                             (1991)
                                                                                                                            Start of
                                                                              Black                                         −0.20
                                                                              [Rate of increase
                                                                              in moderately                                 Peak,
                                                                              differentiated                                +0.47
                                                                              disease incidence                             (1991)
                                                                              per 100,000                                   Start of
                                                                              persons]                                      decline,

                                        Shao                   SEER           2-4                              56.2 (0.7)                 24.9 (0.5)                    2.3      -53.9
                                        2009                                  5-7                              88.8 (0.9)                 167.3 (1.2)                   (0.1)    (P<0.001)
                                        19713548                              8-10                             47.5 (0.7)                 50.7 (0.7)                    193.3    104.5
                                                                              Per 100,000 (SD),                (1988-89)                  (1996-97)                     (1.2)    (P<0.001)
                                                                              age-adjusted to                                                                           38.3     -9.2
                                                                              the 2000 US                                                                               (0.5)    (P<0.001)
                                                                              standard                                                                                  (2004-
                                                                              population in 5-yr                                                                        05)      [absolute
                                                                              age increments                                                                                     change
                                                                              beginning at 25                                                                                    between
                                                                              yr.                                                                                                1988-1989
                                                                                                                                                                                 and 2004-05
                                                                                                                                                                                 from ANOVA
                                                                                                                                                                                 with linear
                                        Schwartz               SEER-          Well diff.           28.2                     NR            12.2                                   NR                Additional
                                        1999                   Detroit        Moderately diff.     22.8                     122.9         ~100                                                     information
                                        10197854                              Poorly diff.         NR                       NR            NR                                                       is provided
                                                                              Age-adjusted         (1982)                   (1993)        (1996)                                                   in Figure 2
                                                                              incidence rate                                                                                                       of the paper

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