Page 163 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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Neonatal jaundice

                         were rated EL 1−. IVIG was administered as a single dose (500 mg/kg body weight) over
                         2 hours in one study,  as a single dose (500 mg/kg body weight) over 4 hours in the second, 206
                         as a single dose (500 mg/kg body weight) as soon as possible after birth in the third study, 208  as
                         three doses (500 mg/kg body weight each) over 4 hours every 12 hours in the fourth study, 209
                         and as 800 mg/kg body weight per day for 3 days in the final study. 205
                         Two studies 205;208  included both term and preterm babies while the other three 206;207;209  included
                         only term babies. Three of the studies 205;207;208  included only babies with Rhesus haemolytic
                         disease, one  included only babies with ABO haemolytic disease and the fifth 209  included
                         babies with either Rhesus or ABO haemolytic disease and presented the results for both groups.
                         The mean birthweight ranged from 2683 ± 292 g to 2834 ± 569 g in four studies 205;206;208;209  and
                         was not reported in the other study.  The mean age at entry to study was 20.2 ± 9.5 hours in
                         the one study  that reported this. The mean serum bilirubin was 254 ± 57 micromol/litre in the
                         one study   that reported this. The mean  gestational age ranged from 36.1 ± 2 weeks  to
                         38 weeks in  three studies 205;206;208  and another  included only term babies. In the three
                         studies 206;208;209  that reported on gender, 109 participants (58.3%) were male.
                         Review findings
                         Dichotomous outcomes
                         Indications  for  exchange  transfusion  in  the  studies  included  serum  bilirubin
                         ≥ 340 micromol/litre (two studies), serum bilirubin  ≥ 307.8 micromol/litre in babies over
                         2000 g, serum bilirubin above the Polacek criteria, 210;211  and serum bilirubin rising by 8.5 or
                         17.1 micromol/litre per hour. Babies randomised to receive IVIG needed statistically
                         significantly fewer exchange transfusions than controls (RR 0.31, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.47)
                         (Figure 7.19). Heterogeneity was not significant at I² = 37%.

                                        IVIG   Control       Risk Ratio              Risk Ratio
                          Study or Subgroup  Events Total Events Total Weight  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI  M-H, Fixed, 95% CI
                          1.6.1 IVIG
                          F - Dagoglu 1995  4  22  15  19  24.2%  0.23 [0.09, 0.58]
                          F - Miqdad 2004  4  56  16  56  24.1%  0.25 [0.09, 0.70]
                          F - Nasseri 2006  3  17  11  17  16.6%  0.27 [0.09, 0.81]
                          F - Rubo 1992  2  16   11  16  16.6%  0.18 [0.05, 0.69]
                          M - Voto 1995  8  19   12  18  18.6%  0.63 [0.34, 1.17]
                          Subtotal (95% CI)  130    126 100.0%  0.31 [0.20, 0.47]
                          Total events  21       65
                          Heterogeneity: Chi² = 6.33, df = 4 (P = 0.18); I² = 37%
                          Test for overall effect: Z = 5.57 (P < 0.00001)
                                                                      0.01    0.1       1        10     100
                                                                                 Favours IVIG Favours control
                         Figure 7.19   Number of exchange transfusions needed when IVIG combined with phototherapy is
                         compared with phototherapy alone

                         A post hoc sensitivity analysis examined the effect of IVIG in Rhesus haemolytic disease and
                         ABO haemolytic disease.
                         The RR was similar in both Rhesus and ABO haemolytic disease: RR 0.33 (95% CI 0.20 to 0.52)
                         and RR 0.29 (95% CI 0.13 to 0.68), respectively (Figure 7.20). However, the number needed to
                         treat (NNT) with IVIG to prevent one exchange transfusion differed in each category of haemolytic
                         disease. For Rhesus disease the NNT was two while in ABO disease the NNT was five.
                         The included studies did not report on the adverse effect profile of IVIG.
                         Continuous outcomes
                         Only three  studies 205;206;209  reported the duration  of adjunctive phototherapy. This was
                         statistically significantly shorter in babies receiving IVIG (MD = −16.46 hours, 95% CI −26.13
                         to −6.79 hours) (Figure 7.21). Heterogeneity was not a significant factor at I² = 27%.
                         See the end of Section 7.4 for the overall Evidence summary and GDG translation from

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