Page 158 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
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                         GDG translation from evidence
                         The GDG accepts that the use of white curtains as an adjunct to phototherapy can aid serum
                         bilirubin reduction but, because their use compromises the ability to observe the baby, the
                         GDG does not recommend their use.
                         Using incubators or bassinets

                         Description of included studies

                         No studies were identified.
                         Review findings

                         No studies were identified.
                         Evidence summary

                         No evidence was identified.
                         GDG translation from evidence

                         As no evidence was identified, the GDG cannot recommend the use of incubators or bassinets
                         for the treatment  of hyperbilirubinaemia and considers that clinical considerations and
                         availability should determine whether either of these are used to nurse babies who require
                         phototherapy. Babies  should be nursed in a thermo-neutral environment, in other words,  in
                         surroundings  of  an  ambient  temperature  that  minimises  their  energy  expenditure  on  keeping
                         warm or cool.

                          Recommendations – 7.2.4 Additional equipment
                          Use incubators or bassinets according to clinical need and availability.
                          Do not use  white  curtains routinely with  phototherapy  as  they  may  impair observation of the

              7.3        Exchange transfusion

                          Clinical question
                          i)  How effective is exchange transfusion?
                          ii)  What is the best method (single-volume versus double-volume exchange)?
                          iii)  What are the criteria/indications for carrying out an exchange transfusion?

                         Description of included studies
                         Following  electronic  searches, 103 records  were identified and  17 hard-copy articles  were
                         requested. Following expert advice, five more hard-copy articles were ordered so a total of 22
                         studies were included. Initially, only RCTs were to be included but, due to the paucity of data
                         on adverse effects reported in these studies, the scope was expanded to include lower quality
                         studies that reported adverse effects.

                         Review findings
                         Double-volume exchange transfusion
                         In six  RCTs, 193-199   double-volume  exchange transfusion  (DVET) was  compared with alternative
                         treatment strategies. Exchange transfusion was generally performed using the umbilical vein and acid
                         citrate  dextrose  (ACD) or citrate  phosphate  dextrose  (CPD) blood less than  2  or  5 days  old. The
                         volume of blood used  was  75–170 ml/kg body weight. Exchange transfusions  were initiated at
                         varying serum bilirubin levels,  the  lowest being  256.5 micromol/litre  in preterm  babies and
                         307.8 micromol/litre in term babies. In one RCT 194;195  reported in two articles, exchange transfusions
                         were carried out within 9 hours of birth in babies with haemolytic disease of the newborn.

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