Page 161 - 16Neonatal Jaundice_compressed
P. 161

Neonatal jaundice

                         The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHHD) study in the USA
                         which compared phototherapy with no treatment, used exchange transfusion as an outcome. The
                         morbidity and mortality associated  with  exchange transfusions was also examined  in the 190
                         subjects who received 331 exchange transfusions. The serum bilirubin levels at which exchange
                         transfusions were indicated ranged from 171 micromol/litre for high-risk low-birthweight babies to
                         342 micromol/litre for babies with birthweight > 2500 g. The mean reduction in serum bilirubin
                         was 139 ± 30 micromol/litre. Adverse  effects related to exchange  transfusions  were transient
                         bradycardia in  eight  babies (4.2%)  –  six after receiving calcium  –  transient cyanosis  in  three
                         (1.6%), transient vasospasm in two (1.0%), vasospasm with thrombosis in two (1.0%) and apnoea
                         and/or bradycardia requiring treatment in seven babies (3.7%). Three babies died within 24 hours
                         (one within 6 hours) of exchange transfusion. [EL 1++]
                         Evidence summary

                         Most of the included RCTs were of poor quality, had small sample sizes and were conducted
                         more than 30 years ago. In one trial with EL 1−, no difference was observed in the mortality or
                         incidence of  kernicterus between babies given DVET and those not given any treatment,
                         although this study did not specify the demographic characteristics or the criteria for diagnosing
                         kernicterus. Results  from the second trial with  EL 1+ suggest that, compared with  simple
                         transfusion,  DVET leads to  fewer deaths and less kernicterus in the treatment  of  haemolytic
                         disease of the newborn. Another trial with EL 1− compared phototherapy with DVET for the
                         treatment of non-haemolytic hyperbilirubinaemia and showed better results with phototherapy.
                         However, DVET was carried out as a single procedure and was not followed by phototherapy,
                         as is the current clinical practice. The other trials showed no statistically significant differences
                         between DVET and SVET, albumin-enriched exchange transfusions or transfusion using frozen
                         erythrocytes diluted in plasma for the treatment of hyperbilirubinaemia.
                         Evidence  on  the  adverse  effects  of  exchange  transfusions  was  collated from  non-comparative
                         studies. The most common adverse  effects were thrombocytopenia, hypocalcaemia, catheter
                         malfunction, hypotension, venous thrombosis, hypokalaemia and hypoglycaemia.

                         GDG translation from evidence
                         The  GDG  considered  the  potential  adverse  side  effects  of  DVET  when  carried  out  by
                         experienced healthcare professionals and concluded that this procedure is relatively safe and
                         effective for babies at risk of kernicterus from severe hyperbilirubinaemia.

                         The GDG noted that a  single  study  reported  no difference between  SVET  and  DVET  but
                         considered this single study to be insufficient evidence to change current clinical practice. The
                         clinical rationale for using double volume rather single volume is to reduce the likelihood of
                         needing repeat transfusion.
                         No added benefit was found for albumin priming or for giving calcium  with the exchange
                         transfusion, so the GDG considered that in the absence of evidence to support these practices
                         they should not be recommended.

                         Blood used for exchange transfusions should comply with the current guidance from the British
                         Committee for Standards in Haematology ( The GDG noted that babies
                         whose parents object to the use of blood transfusions for religious or cultural reasons should be
                         treated with the same standard of care as all babies, with the best interests of the child paramount.
                         Local procedures should be in place to support communication with parents in this situation.
                         As stated in Section 3.2, acute bilirubin encephalopathy is a risk factor for kernicterus, and as such
                         the GDG concluded that there is no reason to change current clinical practice, which is to perform
                         an exchange transfusion in babies with signs of acute bilirubin encephalopathy (which include
                         opisthotonos and retrocollis). Babies with signs attributable to acute bilirubin encephalopathy
                         require exchange transfusion even if their bilirubin levels are controlled by phototherapy.
                         As bilirubin levels may not fall and may continue to rise, even after an exchange transfusion, it
                         is considered ‘best’ practice to estimate bilirubin levels within 2 hours to assess whether another
                         exchange transfusion is needed.

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