Page 55 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 55
Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
Other things to think Other things to think
TTreatment reatment How is this delivHow is this delivered? ered? KKeey features y features
about about
• In more severe
depression, the
advantages of
providing other
treatment choices
with more
therapist contact
should be carefully
considered first.
• A group physical activity
intervention provided by a • May allow peer
trained practitioner. support from
others who are
• Uses a physical activity • Includes moderate may be having
programme specifically intensity aerobic similar
designed for people with exercise.
Group exercise depression. experiences.
• Does not directly
• Usually consists of more target thoughts and • May need to be
adapted if the
than 1 session per week feelings. person has
for 10 weeks.
physical health
• Usually 8 participants in problems that
the group. prevent exercise.
• May need to be
adapted to
aspects, for
example anxiety or
shame which may
act as barriers to
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