Page 50 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
Other things to think Other things to think
TTreatment reatment How is this delivHow is this delivered? ered? KKeey features y features
about about
• Focus is on
processing and
finding emotional
meaning, to help
• Individual sessions people find their • May be useful for
delivered by a practitioner own solutions and people with
with therapy-specific develop coping psychosocial,
training and competence. mechanisms.
relationship or
• Usually consists of 12 to • Provides empathic employment
16 regular sessions, listening, facilitated problems
although additional emotional contributing to
sessions may be needed exploration and their depression.
Counselling for people with comorbid encouragement. • May suit people
mental or physical health who do not like
problems or complex • Collaborative use of talking about their
social needs, or to address emotion focused depression in a
residual symptoms. activities to
increase self- group.
• Uses an empirically awareness, to help • Avoids potential
validated protocol people gain greater side effects of
developed specifically for understanding of medication.
depression. themselves, their
relationships, and
their responses to
others, but not
specific advice to
change behaviour.
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