Page 59 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)

                   •  identifying stressful circumstances, triggering events, warning signs (such as anxiety or

                      poor sleep), or unhelpful behaviours (such as avoidance or rumination) that have
                      preceded worsening of symptoms and personal or social functioning, and making
                      detailed contingency plans of what to do if each of these re-occur

                   •  making plans for any anticipated challenging events over the next 12 months, including
                      life changes and anniversaries of difficult events. [2022] [2022]

         1.8.8   Discuss with people who have remitted from depression when treated with a
                 psychological therapy alone, but who have been assessed as being at higher risk
                 of relapse, whether they wish to continue with their psychological therapy for
                 relapse prevention. Reach a shared decision on further treatment. [2022] [2022]

         1.8.9   Discuss with people who have remitted from depression when treated with a
                 combination of an antidepressant medication and psychological therapy, but

                 who have been assessed as being at higher risk of relapse, whether they wish to
                 continue 1 or both treatments. Reach a shared decision on further treatment.
                 [2022] [2022]

         1.8.10  Continue the same therapy for people who wish to stay on a psychological

                 therapy for relapse prevention (either alone or in combination with an
                 antidepressant), adapted by the therapist for relapse prevention. This should
                 include at least 4 more sessions of the same treatment with a focus on a relapse

                 prevention component (see recommendation 1.8.7) and what is needed to stay
                 well. [2022] [2022]

         1.8.11  Review treatment for people continuing with antidepressant medication to
                 prevent relapse at least every 6 months. At each review:

                   •  monitor their mood using a validated rating scale (see the recommendations on
                      delivery of treatments)

                   •  review any side effects

                   •  review any medical, personal, social or environmental factors that may affect their risk
                      of relapse, and encourage them to access help from other agencies

                   •  discuss with them if they wish to continue treatment; if they wish to stop
                      antidepressant treatment, see the recommendations on stopping antidepressant
                      medication. [2022] [2022]

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