Page 12 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
1.2.12 If a person with depression is assessed to be at risk of suicide:
• do not withhold treatment for depression on the basis of their suicide risk
• take into account toxicity in overdose if an antidepressant is prescribed, or the person
is taking other medication, and if necessary limit the amount of medicine available
• consider increasing the level of support provided, such as more frequent in-person,
video call or telephone contact
• consider referral to specialist mental health services.
For further advice on risk assessment, see the NICE guideline on self-harm. For further
advice on medication, see the recommendations on antidepressant medication for
people at risk of suicide. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]
Depression with anxiety Depression with anxiety
1.2.13 When depression is accompanied by symptoms of anxiety, which is particularly
common in older people, the first priority should usually be to treat the
depression. When the person has an anxiety disorder and comorbid depression
or depressive symptoms, consult NICE guidance for the relevant anxiety
disorder if available and consider treating the anxiety disorder first. [2009, [2009,
amended 2022] amended 2022]
Depression in people with acquired cognitive impairments Depression in people with acquired cognitive impairments
1.2.14 When assessing a person with suspected depression:
• be aware of any acquired cognitive impairments
• if needed, consult with a relevant specialist when developing treatment plans and
strategies. [2009] [2009]
1.2.15 When providing interventions for people with an acquired cognitive impairment
who have a diagnosis of depression:
• if possible, provide the same interventions as for other people with depression
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