Page 15 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
• take into account any physical health problems
• take into account any coexisting mental health problems
• discuss what factors would make the person most likely to engage with treatment
(including reviewing positive and negative experiences of previous treatment)
• take into account previous treatment history
• address any barriers to the delivery of treatments because of any disabilities, language
or communication difficulties
• ensure regular liaison between healthcare professionals in specialist and non-
specialist settings, if the person is receiving specialist support or treatment.
For people with depression who also have learning disabilities, see the NICE guideline
on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities. For people with
depression who also have autism, see the NICE guideline on autism spectrum disorder.
For people with depression who also have dementia, see the NICE guideline on
dementia. For people with depression in pregnancy or the postnatal period, or who are
breastfeeding, see the NICE guideline on antenatal and postnatal mental health. For
people with depression who are menopausal, see the NICE guideline on menopause.
For people with depression and physical health problems, see the NICE guideline on
depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem and also see the
recommendations on collaborative care. [2022] [2022]
1.4.2 Match the choice of treatment to meet the needs and preferences of the person
with depression. Use the least intrusive and most resource efficient treatment
that is appropriate for their clinical needs, or one that has worked for them in
the past. [2022] [2022]
1.4.3 For all people with depression having treatment:
• review how well the treatment is working with the person between 2 and 4 weeks
after starting treatment
• monitor and evaluate treatment concordance
• monitor for side effects and harms of treatment
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