Page 9 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 9

Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)

                 secondary care, and give copies to the person and to their family or carer, if the

                 person agrees. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]

         1.1.5   Advise people with depression that they can set up a Health and Welfare
                 Lasting Power of Attorney, and support them to do so if appropriate, so that a
                 trusted person can represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf

                 if they do not have the capacity to make decisions themselves at any point.
                 [2022] [2022]

         Supporting families and carers Supporting families and carers

         1.1.6   When families or carers are involved in supporting a person with severe or
                 chronic depression, see the recommendations in the NICE guideline on
                 supporting adult carers on identifying, assessing and meeting the caring,
                 physical and mental health needs of families and carers. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]

         1.2 1.2  Recognition and assessment Recognition and assessment

         1.2.1   Be alert to possible depression (particularly in people with a past history of
                 depression or a chronic physical health problem with associated functional
                 impairment) and consider asking people who may have depression if:

                   •  During the last month, have they often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or


                   •  During the last month, have they often been bothered by having little interest or

                      pleasure in doing things?

                      See also the NICE guideline on depression in adults with a chronic physical health
                      problem. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]

         1.2.2   If a person answers 'yes' to either of the depression identification questions (see
                 recommendation 1.2.1) but the practitioner is not competent to perform a

                 mental health assessment, refer the person to an appropriate professional who
                 can. If this professional is not the person's GP, inform the person's GP about the
                 referral. [2009] [2009]

         1.2.3   If a person answers 'yes' to either of the depression identification questions (see
                 recommendation 1.2.1) and the practitioner is competent to perform a mental

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