Page 8 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 8

Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)

                   •  explore treatment choices (see the recommendations on choice of treatments) in an

                      atmosphere of hope and optimism, explaining the different courses of depression and
                      that recovery is possible

                   •  be aware that stigma and discrimination can be associated with a diagnosis of

                   •  be aware that the symptoms of depression itself, and the impact of stigma and
                      discrimination, can make it difficult for people to access mental health services or take
                      up offers of treatment

                   •  ensure steps are taken to reduce stigma, discrimination and barriers for individuals
                      seeking help for depression (for example, reducing judgemental attitudes, showing
                      compassion, parity of esteem between mental illness and physical illness, treating
                      people as individuals)

                   •  ensure that discussions take place in settings in which confidentiality, privacy and
                      dignity are respected. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]

         Providing information and support Providing information and support

         1.1.2   Make sure people with depression are aware of self-help groups, peer support

                 groups and other local and national resources. Follow the guidance on providing
                 information in the NICE guideline on service user experience in adult mental
                 health. [2009, amended 2022] [2009, amended 2022]

         1.1.3   Provide people with depression with up-to-date and evidence-based verbal and
                 written information about depression and its treatment, appropriate to their
                 language, cultural and communication needs. Follow the sections on
                 communication and information in the NICE guideline on patient experience in

                 adult NHS services. [2022] [2022]

         Advance decisions and statements Advance decisions and statements

         1.1.4   Consider developing advance decisions about treatment choices (including

                 declining treatment) and advance statements collaboratively with people who
                 have recurrent severe depression or depression with psychotic symptoms, and
                 for those who had treatment under the Mental Health Act 2007, in line with the
                 Mental Capacity Act 2005, and review them regularly. Record the decisions and
                 statements and include copies in the person's care plan in primary and

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