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Appendix B:

               Menu of Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of
               LPHA Emergency Drills and Exercises

               Note: Select these criteria based on their relevance to the type of exercise you will
               be conducting.Acronyms are defined in Appendix C.

                 Initial Response Command and Control

               1   Identify health department’s internal    4   Establish a public health Incident Action
                   Incident Commander (IC) immediately
                                                                Plan (IAP) within 30 minutes following
                   upon notification that emergency man-        the establishment of the department’s
                   agement will be used in response to an       EOC, describing primary objectives and
                   incident.                                    overall strategy to be accomplished by the
                                                                health department in the first 24 hours of
                                                                the incident.
               2   Identify and activate* all health depart-
                   ment internal Incident Command System
                   (ICS) positions (e.g., public informational  5  Activate appropriate ICS general staff sec-
                   officer, liaison, safety officer, appropriate  tions within 60 minutes of initial activa-
                   section chiefs, etc.) within 30 minutes,     tion of internal ICS.
                   regardless of time of day (24/7/365).

                                                            6   Retrieve and make available to ICS com-
               3   Centralize all initial/available/relevant    mand staff portions of state/local public
                                                                health laws and codes pertaining to the
                   information to agency’s ICS Planning
                   Section using a situation board or equiva-   specific emergency.
                   lent within 15 minutes.

                                                            7   Activate plan for operating/closing rou-
                                                                tine health department operations within
                                                                30 minutes of initial activation of internal

                *activate = notified and in communication, not necessarily on-site.

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