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P. 28

Appendix A:

                       Exercise Flowchart
                       The exercise process begins with the selection of the type of exercise to be conducted.The
                       flowchart below illustrates this process.

                                                              Determine Objectives

                                                              • Focus of exercise
                                                              • Scope                  Identify Type
                               Broad           Establish      • Scale                  of Exercise
                                               Exercise       • Extent of play
                                               Planning          (suggest type)        Discussion-based or
                               Audience                       • Format (type)          Operations-based
                                                              • Evaluation method
                                                              • Work plan
                                                              • Resource needs

                                              Select             Complete Scenario
                                              Criteria                                  Identify Functional
                               Prepare                           1. research            Roles
                               Briefing       (may be            2. draft & integrate
                               Materials      concurrent         3. review              to be tested for
                                              w/scenario         4. talk-through        participating staff
                                              development)       5. finalization

                               Conduct       Conduct       Conduct       Evaluation        Prepare After
                               Exercise      Exercise      Hot           (Analyze Data)    Action Report
                               Briefings                   Wash                            (AAR)

                                                  Monitor Ongoing       Schedule           Develop
                                                  Improvement           Next Exercise      Improvement
                                                  Tracking                                 Plan

   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33